25 years of

Surgical Excellence

Sunnybank Obesity Centre is one of Australia’s most established Weight Loss Surgery Clinics with over 25 years experience in helping Australians achieve their weight loss goals.

At the Sunnybank Obesity Centre we offer a tailored approach to obesity surgery.

Gastric Balloon

A Gastric Balloon is a temporary surgical procedure involving a soft, expandable gastric balloon being inserted into the stomach to help create a feeling of early and prolonged fullness after meals.

Gastric Band

This procedure is Laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery which involves a Gastric Band being placed around the upper stomach which restricts the capacity of the stomach, therefore reducing the amount of food that can be eaten at one time.

Gastric Sleeve

The Gastric Sleeve procedure involves reducing the size of the stomach to a short tube shape which limits the stomachs capacity and in turn reduces the amount of food which can be consumed, leading to weight loss.

Our Process.

Over the past 25 years we have helped thousands of individuals achieve their weight loss goals.

During this time we have developed a results focused process that ensures optimal results are achieved from the surgery.

This process starts preoperatively and extends well after surgery.

For most individuals (dependent on procedures) it takes 18-24 months to reach their weight loss goals in a safe and healthy manner.

Learn More

Obesity is a serious health condition.

Obesity is associated with several life threatening diseases including;
- Heart disease and stroke
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Some cancers
- Gallbladder disease and gallstones
- Osteoarthritis
- Gout
- Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for short episodes during sleep) and asthma
Taking a surgical approach to obesity reduces mortality factors associated with being obese and improves quality of life.

Not sure if you qualify for surgery?

Book an obligation free consultation with our specialist team today to discuss your options.


Pricing Information

Find out more information on surgery pricing.

Patient Stories

Hear stories from other individuals who have had weight loss surgery.

Our Process

Learn more about our results driven process.

Access our pricing information at the Sunnybank Obesity Centre.

Enter your details below to access our pricing based information at the Sunnybank Obesity Centre.

Pre Surgery FAQS

Can I have the Surgery if I don't have Private Health Insurance?

Yes you can have surgery without any private health insurance. However, it is expensive as the private hospital charges are reasonably high.

How do I know if I am a candidate for surgery?

There are very strict guidelines for Bariatric surgery, however they vary depending on the type of bariatric procedure you choose. This could be discussed during your initial consultation.

Can I use my superannuation to pay for surgery?

Yes. There is a process involved and we can facilitate this.

How much will the procedure cost?

Once again the cost depends on the type of bariatric procedure and whether you are privately insured or not. Once again a writing quote is provided to all the patients at the end of the initial consultation and it is up to the patient whether or not they chose to proceed with the surgery.

Do I have to see the specialist team prior to surgery?

Yes, following the initial consultation with the surgeon, you will be referred to a dietitian, exercise physiologist and a psychologist for further consultation.

Post Surgery FAQS

Are there any fees associated with post surgery care?

Your first 2 consultation post surgical care are free.


How often do I need to see the doctors following surgery?

This depends on the type of bariatric procedure and the details are usually provided during patients last preoperative consultation.

How often do I need to get my gastric band adjusted?

This depends on a number of factors such as satiety, weight loss or any other complications, However, every band patient is encourged to attend the gastric band clinic 4 weekly for the first year.

How long can I have my balloon in for?

There are two types of intragastric balloon, one for 6 months and the other for 12 months.

What Surgery is

the best option

for me?

At the Sunnybank Obesity Centre our specialist team will be able to give you all the information that you need to make a decision about the best surgical option for you.

Contact our team today for an obligation free consultation to discuss your surgical options.

Take the next step in your weight loss journey

Book your obligation free consultation with our specialist team today.