Listed below are some contra-indications for the placement of a gastric band. If you have any of the following conditions, please discuss them with your physician during your initial consultation:
- You have an inflammatory disease or condition of the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers, severe oesophagitis, or Crohn’s disease
- You have severe heart or lung disease that makes you a poor candidate for surgery
- You have some other disease that makes you a poor candidate for surgery
- You have a problem that could cause bleeding in the oesophagus or stomach. This might include oesophageal or gastric varices (a dilated vein). It might also be something such as congenital or acquired intestinal telangiectasia (dilation of a small blood vessel)
- You have portal hypertension
- Your oesophagus, stomach, or intestine is not normal (congenital or acquired). For instance you might have a narrowed opening
- You have or have experienced an intra-operative gastric injury, such as a gastric perforation at or near the location of the intended band placement
- You have cirrhosis
- You have chronic pancreatitis
- You are pregnant. (If you become pregnant after the gastric band has been placed, the band may need to be deflated. The same is true if you need more nutrition for any other reason, such as becoming seriously ill. In rare cases, removal may be needed.)
- You are addicted to alcohol or drugs
- You are under 16 years of age
- You have an infection anywhere in your body or one that could contaminate the surgical area
- You are on chronic, long-term steroid treatment
- You cannot or do not want to follow the dietary rules that come with this procedure
- You might be allergic to materials in the device
- You cannot tolerate pain from an implanted device
- You or someone in your family has an autoimmune connective tissue disease. such as systemic lupus erythematosus or scleroderma.
The same is true if you have symptoms of one of these diseases
If you do not meet the BMI or weight criteria, you still may be considered for an alternative weight loss procedure. Please consult our clinical staff for further information on other programs that we offer.
Removal of Gastric Band
Professor Memon also removes gastric bands for those patients who are experiencing any of the issues listed below.
While the vast majority of gastric banding procedures are very successful, there is a risk that the band may have to be removed in the future for one of the following reasons:
- Leaking port, tubing or band
- Band erosion
- Symptoms such as vomiting, reflux, heartburn that are not subsiding despite investigation and treatment
- Slipped band
- Patient choice – the patient has reached their goal and feels they no longer need to have the band in place
Safe removal of a Gastric Band
Removal is performed using keyhole surgery and involves an overnight stay in hospital. The band is removed along with the tubing and the injection port that lies underneath the skin. Following this surgery the stomach returns to normal function.
Can another surgical weight loss method be implemented once the band is removed?
Yes, it is possible to explore sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass after gastric band removal, once the removal surgery scar heals and softens (but at least three months later).
Important points to remember:
- Very often the band can be replaced at the same time as the band is removed
- It is not a failure on your part if the band has to be removed
If you need to consider having your band removed or you need advice regarding the same, Professor Memon would be happy to discuss with you.