Specialist Assessment
Specialist assessment starts with a visit to Professor Memon in his consulting rooms.
- Professor Memon will require a letter from your GP outlining your past medical history which usually includes, medications, conditions and any previous surgeries
- On your first visit to the practice you will have a body composition analysis undertaken – this is a very important starting point – “the line in the sand as it were”.
- Professor Memon will have a lengthy discussion with you regarding your weight loss experience to date, your weight loss goals and your understanding of weight loss procedures and answer your questions
- Professor Memon will arrange an array of blood tests and any other investigations he thinks you may require before considering any weight loss procedure
Dietician/Excercise Physiologist/Psychologist
- As we use a multidisciplinary approach to weight loss, Professor Memon will advise you to have a consult with a psychologist, dietician and exercise physiologist all of which will assist you in your weight loss goals.
- You will see our registered nurse also at your first appointment.
Pre-op Preparation
2nd appointment with Prof Memon
- Once you have had the blood tests done and you have visited with the dietician, exercise physiologist and the psychologist, you will have another appointment with Professor Memon. During this appointment he will review with you the results of the blood tests, dietician report, psychology report and exercise physiology report. If all of these are favourable then Prof Memon will discuss your procedure options. If the decision is made to move forward with a procedure, then he will advise which procedure is the most suitable for you lay out the pros and cons. It is important that you are well informed prior to making any decision regarding surgery for weight loss; as no surgical procedure is without risk. Everything is done to minimise the risk but there is still risk.
- Your consent is needed for Prof Memon to do the procedure and this involves also completing hospital consent forms and other paperwork. Remember we are not here to pressurise you. We inform and advise; but ultimately you decide.
- Once you have made your decision to proceed with the procedure you will have an education session with our registered nurse. This generally happens on the same day as you sign your hospital paperwork.
- Our nurse will advise you regarding pre and postoperative care. Verbal and written instructions regarding pre and post op care will be given to you during this meeting with the nurse and any questions you may have will be answered.
- For gastric band patients, a very low calorie diet is recommended. Prof Memon will discuss this with you at your appointment.
Prof Memon will advise you as to which procedure is suitable for you. This decision is made based on several factors such as your current weight and Body Mass Index (BMI), your current health status and any medical conditions you may have.
Post Surgery
Post surgery protocols vary depending on the surgical procedure. More information on the post surgery process can be found on the individual procedure pages below.
More information on the different surgeries we offer can be found below.